Motherhood Muse : Monique Currant

Motherhood Muse : Monique Currant


Meet Monique

A mother to four beautiful girls, living in countryside Australia. 

Monique Currant

Monique and I have connected over on Instagram through our shared interest and tastes in all things classic and beautiful. Having grown up in rural Australia myself, I can relate to and enjoy seeing life through Monique's eyes and also know that she is a constant source of inspiration for other rural (and city dwelling) mothers with her pursuit to create a beautiful and inspired life. 

Monique became a Kit James customer after searching for elevated yet practical items for her girls to wear on days into town, travel or around the property. Monique selected the Mary dress for two of her girls and from there, Monique fell into a natural Ambassadorship role for the Kit James brand with our well aligned styles.

Monique's website and Instagram are beautifully curated destinations with the intention to spark joy and inspiration amongst her readers. Her eye for the smallest detail and ability to source products that are hard to find is a true talent. 

Monique Currant Kit James Classic Style Australia
Darling Esther in the Polly Dress and White Grosgrain Bow  

Get to know Monique

Monique and I had a conversation on some topics and she has such a wonderful insight to life and what it means to live beautifully. Continue reading to learn more!

What does the word ‘beauty’ mean to you?

Beauty to me, is any attribute or peculiarity within an object, person or existing thing that brings forth a deep sense of satisfaction, joy and delight. I also believe that it is not only the senses that can be pleased but the mind too.

My favourite quote by Charlotte Moss is - ‘The greatest luxury is beauty - seeing it, surrounding yourself with it, having the ability to create it, or simply enjoying it’.

How has motherhood impacted you as a young woman?

It has single handedly changed my entire life! It has brought everything I have known, thought and gone through up to the surface to be felt, healed, strengthen or to be rid of and in turn replaced. Just like anything in life, there are always challenges and pure joy. My girls have been my biggest gifts and teachers, I am eternally grateful.

What are the wonderful things about living in the countryside?

Oh the simple things - the fresh air, clean environment, the ability to not get caught up in what’s going on in the world. Living in nature, in all its vast, beautiful and sometimes harsh elements.

And what are the challenges?

The geographical location of living in the bush proves isolating and it really does limit what you can take up and do. Distance is probably the most occurring challenge, there’s no ‘popping’ anywhere!

5 tips for readers on how to live ‘inspired and beautifully’?

  • ‘Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder’, so take notice of what makes you smile, what colours you tend to chose, what sparks joy for you.
  • Inspiration is everywhere and often in the small, everyday things/items.
  • Collect, build, view, visit and surround yourself your beautiful inspiration. A small jug of wildflowers, that mug that makes you smile, a dab of pink blush.
  • Romance your life (whatever that looks like to you) because life is worth living, use your good crystal and wear the lipstick.
  • Stay true to your likes, loves and note when your heart skips a beat. Everyone’s tastes are vastly different and remember that you really do get to curate and create your own life.

‘I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.’ - Elsie de Wolfe

Top Kit James picks?

1. Polly dress in French Blue
2. Mary Dress in Plum Pink
3. Gwyneth Smocked Dress
4. Any any of the Grosgrain Bows - you can't beat a beautiful bow!

I thought I would leave you with some of my favourite articles Monique has written for your reading enjoyment over a coffee or cup of tea.

A fresh take on activewear. Monique has curated a wonderful collection of elevated and feminine activewear to suit busy mothers who want to look put together while dressed down.
Manifestation, bae-beh! A wonderful discussion on how the power of manifestation and state of mind can play a big role in your life!
Piecing together a casual outfit. Great, practical tips on how to elevate casual outfits using statement pieces.
Flowery, green and little bits in between. This is a great showcase of Monique's talent when it comes to curating mood boards and inspirational looks. I love the items she has sourced in this article - all unique and beautiful!


Warm wishes,

Brooke x



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